Thursday, November 17, 2016

Benefits of bananas - the 10 most important benefits of a banana

an introduction:

Benefits of bananas - the 10 most important benefits of a bananaBanana fruit is nutritious and extremely helpful and available throughout the year easily. Use banana provides a natural solution, but effective for many diseases. Bananas from the causes of the natural beauty of the human skin. It is used to improve the efficiency of the digestive system. It strengthens the stomach. It maintains the different metals in the body such as; potassium, phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen. Natural sweet taste in bananas helps maintain the health and also helps in the digestion and absorption of food we eat (absorption is the absorption of the food consumed in the process of blood).

If bananas were compared against Apple, demonstrated that the banana contains 4 times times carbohydrates higher content of a high content of protein, it contains 2.3 times higher than the phosphorus top 5 times, and the content of vitamin A, iron, content is also two times higher than all the vitamins the minerals found in an apple. Therefore, you can change the famous saying about Apple saying "a banana a day keeps the doctor away."

Benefits and uses of bananas

Banana yogurt mixture and a wonderful cure for diarrhea. Diarrhea is very common among young children and infants, this should be mixing bananas with a pinch of salt added to it. This proved to be an effective solution to this problem.

Cosmetic purposes
Banana is used as a disinfectant is excellent and genuine leather ,. Facial mask to be prepared banana skin stays clean and Lin, a tonic for the skin better. Take half a banana and make it in paste form, and then add one teaspoon of dry milk and a few drops of rose water and apply this to the face, neck and wash off after half an hour. This helps to moisturize the skin.

Source of energy
Benefits of bananas - the 10 most important benefits of a bananaAside from being very rich in minerals and vitamins, bananas contain very high energy. It can be judged from the fact that eating two bananas receive only enough energy for one hour walk easily. We recommend that you eat a banana at a time to feel tired.

Reduce tension
Potassium, found in a generous amount to some extent in bananas, is a vital mineral, which play a very important functions in the body. Potassium maintains the normal heartbeat and carries oxygen to the brain and also maintains osmotic balance in the body. When we experience stress, potassium level is to have less than the normal rate also increases our metabolic rate. Banana is rich in potassium, if eaten in that time, replace potassium used replace the top and then bring back our potassium levels to normal, which begins to normalize our tension.
Banana keeps us calm it also contains vitamin B, which relaxes the entire nervous system. Use a banana to calm the nerves excellent solution for concern. This has a positive effect on a person's mood as it becomes a cheery and happy. Banana is also used to deal with problems that arise in the human body due to climate change. We found a protein, called "tryptophan" in the banana that changes the mood of the person and make him feel comfortable.

Rehabilitation smokers
The use of banana helps a person to quit smoking. Vitamins B6 and B12, which are found in bananas, helps minimize the effect of nicotine found in cigarettes. Although the actual process that, these vitamins reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms as a person can quit smoking more easily because nicotine addiction.

blood pressure
Because of the high content of potassium along with a low content of salt, bananas does not affect the blood pressure negatively affected. It is in fact a tool Zbt blood pressure.

The production of hemoglobin
The iron, which is a large amount in bananas, in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells to carry oxygen. This is the basic element for the formation of hemoglobin eat bananas it provides.

Agent digestive tract
Bananas contain "pectin" optical fiber solution, "aquatic colloid" which keeps the fiber for the digestive system clean. This also helps to rid the person of chronic constipation.

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